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Sexual Health Screening For Kinky Folk

Regular sexual health screening is a key part of maintaining health for yourself as well as your partners. This video covers the screening I recommend for all my kinky patients.

Table of Contents

In this video discuss the importance of regular sexual health screenings for kinky individuals, emphasizing the need for open communication with your doctor to ensure comprehensive care. I outline a template for screenings based on Australian guidelines, detailing the tests and procedures I recommend to my patients, including specific checks for various infections and conditions.

Key Points:

Importance of Regular Screening:

  • Annual Screening: Recommended for everyone.
  • Frequent Screening: Every six months if you’ve had more than 10 sexual partners in less than six months or every three months if you are on PrEP or having an active sex life.
  • Symptom-Based Screening: Be sure to see your doctor if you have symptoms like burning, stinging when urinating, discharge, rashes, pain, or discomfort.

Standard Screening Procedures:

  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhea:
    • Throat Swab: Checks for infections transmitted through kissing or oral sex.
    • Anal Swab: Checks for infections transmitted through anal sex.
    • Urine Test: Checks for infections transmitted through regular sex.

Blood Tests:

  • HIV and Syphilis: Regular checks for these infections.

  • Kidney Function: Essential for those on PrEP.

  • Hepatitis A and B: Ensuring vaccination and immunity.

  • Hepatitis C: This is now considered an STI.If you enjoy kink, particular if there could be blood involved, I recommend adding this to your regular screening.

  • Additional Testing:

    • Mycoplasma Genitalium: If symptoms persist despite negative chlamydia tests.
    • Herpes and Mpox: Swab tests for rashes.
    • Syphilis: Swabs for sores and rashes.


  • Hepatitis A and B: Kink and fetish can be risking for both of these preventable viral infections.
  • MPox: Currently there is MPox (used to be called Monkey Pox) going around the community. Please be sure to get vaccinated against this disease.


  • Have A Doctor You Trust: You need to be able to talk with your doctor open and honestly. If you don't feel safe, find one you do feel safe with.
  • Get All The Tests: Ensure your screenings include throat, bum, urine, and blood tests so nothing is missed.

Stay Informed and Safe: Regular sexual health screenings are crucial for maintaining good health, especially for kinky individuals. Feel free to reach out with any questions and ensure you’re getting the care you need. Have a great day!



Essential Vaccines for Kinky Folk: Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

Essential Vaccines for Kinky Folk: Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

Curious about which vaccines are essential for kinky folk? Dr. George dives into the must-have shots, including mpox, hepatitis A and B, and HPV, explaining their importance in preventing serious health risks during sex. Stay informed, stay safe—your health and pleasure depend on it.

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